Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16, 2014

Hello my Dear Family!
We also were able to have a wonderful Zone Conference with President Rawlings. This was our last meeting with him before President Watson comes. We are all very excited. Very tender time as we see our beloved mission president pass on the flaming torch to another. One of the beauties of this is that we are already able to feel the love from our up coming Mission President. We have not had any communication from him, but from what President and Sister Rawling say about them they are delightful.
Our focus in ZC was Praying always. And I had a cool thought a couple days later.
Simply Put. We are literally separate from our Father. Just like You( pl) and I are separate. We look forward to the times we can email and skype.
Does Not our Father also look forward to these times too when we are able to speak with him. The blessing of this, is that we can be in communication with him ALWAYS. But this depends upon us. the difference between a phone call order and a one on one interview with the Gov. of the Universes.
Another way that we  can look at this is by thinking about Navy Seals.

We are the Navy Seals(Missionaries, Men of Power, Men of God..ect) out on 'missions' and the ear piece( Holy Ghost) that we must wear always it keeps the whole team together.( Pray Always) Also gives us instructions coming from HQ (Heavenly Father).How vital this is.
"We ARE HIS agents. We REPRESENT HIM." - B. R. McConkie

We were able to see this in action on Saturday while we were in Järvenpää. I was thinking about Praying always and the simpleness of Prayer when this realization of prayer with our Father was unfolded in my mind.
I shared this with Elder Stanley and we both had a wonderful discussion about it.
Later that evening we met with a member who, in the middle of our lesson, We felt prompted to share this insight with him. Completely opened up our conversation with him about Prayer and the ability we have to pray for others.
I know that i have not understood the importance of pray and I am so grateful that I am able to learn more of it. Scripture study every morning. I don't know how i functioned before without it.
 In answer to some of your questions.
Juhannus is Mid Summer. We will be having a Party with our Ward this Friday. It is one of those days were we really cant do anything. Saturday is a Hard REd day so if we don't have appts. we are stuck in our appt.
Sister Kitchens is the mother of Elder Kitchens. I can send another picutre of him. He and I became best friends in the MTC. Helps that he lives in Logan where I have my family too. But anyway. I hope you are able to go to the Party with them. It will be a piece of what I will be doing. All but the sauna and such. Party as Hardy as Missionaries can. ;) 
 Veli Pekka and Elina have been out of town so we haven't been able to meet with them for a bit.
Change calls are coming this week end. So next week I should know.
My Retainer. It is kinda falling apart....So if it is possible to get a new one that would be great, but if not. I don't kow if you remember but I don't have a permanent retainer on my bottom jaw. It fell out right before I left. So I am really good about wearing my plastic retainer every right. :) That what my  big this on mothers day, but yeah.
Anything else i can do for ya'all just let me know. I love you dearly.
Vanhin Sandberg

Blue Tooth


Zone Conference
Pres. and Sister Rawlings

Vanhin Kitchens

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

Hello From the Other side of the Pond!
We are sure enjoying the bountiful amounts of Sun shine that comes our way. The humidity can be a bit much at times, but that just comes with the beauty

. The sun is up when we go to bed and when we get up in the morning. Probably be like this for a couple weeks. Until next change. That reminds me. Changes,  Juhannus. Our changes are the week after Juhannus. So I will be speaking in our ward next week since most everyone thinks that I will be leaving. I have only been here 8 months. Not too long.
Update on our Investigators, Pekka and Elina. They have both been out of town the past little bit so we haven't been able to meet with them, and our Less active member was unable to make it to church, but he is still holding strong. He would be more active if his health allowed. His sights are set on going back to the temple here soon. It has been about 8 months since he has last been so he is working hard to get back.
This last week was a little slow with appointments falling through and Pekka and Elina being out of town, but we were still able to find ourselves adventures.

One thing that Elder Stanley and I love is the fact that you can be in the city, but take a 10 to 15 minute walk and you feel as if you are in the middle of the forest. As we were walking we came across some mushrooms, ( Picture 1) Don't worry, I really din't eat it. but I did't come to think about what I nearly did next to the river.(Picture 2)
This was just our first adventure when we were down in Koivukylä.

I was recently reading in Gospels and thinking about why missionaries and Members are working so hard at this time. All the work we do for just one person. Rescue. I was reading about the Prodigal son and the deep meaning it has in there along with the parables before it as well. I realized the the entire chapter was trying to explain the Worth of just one soul.
Example of the Lost sheep. the Shepherd placed the lost lamb on his shoulders. We never hear of him complain about the journey to find the lamb or the weigh of carrying the sheep after, but the rejoices.
The same as with the Prodigal son, When the FAther saw his son a far off he ran to him.His pain and anguish was swallowed up by the return of his repentant son. How much must we mean to our Father in Heaven? these two parables have always stood out to me. The worth of every soul truely is great in the sight of Father.
I love you all and hope that you have fun with school being out. It felt like yesterday when school was just going back into session. Have a wonderful week. Love,
Vanhin Sandberg

Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014

Dear Momma and Papanua,
We had a week full of meetings with the members. We were feed nearly every single day this last week. and even of Friday we had two dinner appointments.  Mam can rest asure that I am well fed..
Thank you for the pictures of Ashley and Jeff, and Peiter. Pictures help with the memory of life changing.
To go along with mom's thought of motherhood. I witnessed this with a mom i saw on the street.
This Mom and her daughter were biking down the same road we walk everyday. The daughter only looked to be 4 or 5 years old, but as we were walking the rain began to fall and this little girl on her bike stopped and said something to her mom.
We were too far away to understand, but I watched as the mother stopped her bike alongside her daughter and take off her jacket she had and help put it over her daughters jacket.

I don't know why this struck my so much, but after I saw this I just wanted to walk up to that lady and give her a big hug and tell her she is a wonderful mother.
I come to understand more and more as I have been out here, how much our parents really do do for us. know that my love continues to grow with understanding and admiration as I am here in Finland.
We also had another talk with a member yesterday. He was driving us home from one of our distant areas, but he asked how is was having my dad as my bishop before I left on this mission.
I told him that it was one of the sweetest experiences I hold. For not only was my Stake President like a second father, but my Father was the Bishop. Heavenly Father knows me and blesses me with examples in my life to help me become who I can be come. And the Joy is it to already have this understanding that we have a Father in heaven. Who loves us. This is what our message begins with. We Have a Father. and it continues to the fact that we will be able to become like him and live with him once more.
What joy this message brings. Our times is so short in life and even more so on a mission. Both lives are so short, this is why we need spiritual and physical Adventures all the time.
Here are a couple pictures for you of our adventures!
playing safe and any 19 year old could be..... :)

Love Always,
Vanhin Sandberg

I hope that bench is bolted down!


Love that Smile

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014 Struck by Lightening

 Dear Momma and Papanua,
We will be skyping around 7pm my time and 10am your time. We will only have 30 minutes. Prepare to see my face!
Our time is limited today, we were asked to move our schedule around today so that two of our members could do some family history. The Family history went longer than normal, but we still have time, The work we do is just as important as the work on the other side.
Right before we were able to email I got a call from Sister London, the woman you spoke with last night. She and her husband are amazing. The Mission is the Mission because of them. They already invited us to come and visit them later.
To start out or stories I will tell you the scary stuff first. Our building got struck by lightning! Way cool. We were having lunch or something when a storm came in and then the flash and BOOM, the lights went out for a moment. Way cool!.

Saturday morning we received a referral from the zone leaders, A family was found by the Espoo elders or members, but anyway. This family is ready for the gospel. The love church and are excited to be here. We jsut recently found out they lived in our area so we will be (hopefully) meeting with them this week. There names are Abagail and Michael.
We also have a lessong set up with another man that was found in Helsinki. Titus. We will be meeting with him tomorrow. The sisters found him they set up a meeting with him. Come to find out He doesn't live in there area they gave him to us. We called and were able to set up and appointment for tomorrow to show him the church.  We are really excited.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are in charge fo this work. All we have to do is relax and follow the spirit.
I am so greatful to have been brought up by two choice parents. Our family is who it is because of you.
I look forward to hearing from you next week. or 6 days, Mom is counting.
I love you all and will speak with you soon.

Vanhin Sandberg

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014

Dear Momma and Papanua,
First we will start with a story,

We had a fun experience yesterday with our elders quorum president. During the middle of sunday school he asked if he could speak with us.
He was contacted yesterday about a person that had seen the missionaries out in tuusula doing service for a member. This person was impressed enough that he asked if the missionaries could come and help him as well. Somehow it came to a Friend of the Bishop who gave it to our Bishop who then gave it to our Elders quorum president and then to us.

We are planned to help him on Thursday morning! All of this was nearly planned by the time that our elders quorum president talked to us. he just wanted to know if we were willing to help him and if we had time this week. 
The miracle that I have noticed is this is now the second time this has happend with in the last two weeks. When wer were helping another member with there lawn they had just mentioned that the elders were helping them in that day and the nonmembeer friend asked if the Missionaries would be willing to come and help her family as well.

Just like Mom said, Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives. What a wonderful time it is to be in his service on earth.
We have another name for you to pray for. His name is Veli (Brother) Pekka. He is nearly ready for baptism. Our goal is to have a baptism with him in May. He has been taught everything and is just in need of review, but it was wonderful because last sunday when he taught him he mentioned. "I know that the Church is true and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet. I Am ready to come to baptism." IF you could pray for him that would be great!
It has been a bit difficult to meet with Harri and Gino, but we arn't giving up yet. We will have more of an update next week.

Another important thing. Mothers day is coming up WAY fast. When is Sacrament meeting that way we can plan best time to skype? Is there a time that best fits for you? We have not planned this as well as we should have, It just kinda popped up and we reminded another mission mom here in Kerava yesterday. We asked here, Are you excited to talk to your missionary on mothersay? Of course, wow, that is coming up really fast, Hannu!
Way funny!

one last story before I leave,
Saturday was one of our funnies days we have had here in Kerava. Many people wanted to talk to us instead. so we had two drunk men ask us what the differences were between Mormons and Helluntais. The second was a Man that was so excited to see us that he wanted to shake our hands before he left on his train. and the last was being stopped by two 13 yearold girls on our way to the station. So random, but funny. As we entered our appartment that night Elder STanley told me. Now you really have something to write in your journal tonight.
Wonderful Adventures of being a missionary. I love you all and look forward to talking to you on Mothersday. Remember that I love you!


Vanhin Sandberg

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014 Happy Easter!

Dear Äiti ja Isä,
You would be proud of me, I already sent Jordans Baptismal talk. It should get there this week. Letters seem to talk about a week to get here. From what I have noticed. Did you receive Pitures for Sisar Alhovuori? Because Elder Stanley and I have no idea what pictures you are talking about, but you have both our permission for what ever you are doing. We trust you.

Our week was Great, we got our change calls on thursday, both elder stanley and myself will be staying here in Kerava. But the change will be that I am not senior companion anymore. Which is good for Elder Stanley, He is a bit shy so this will be very good for him. ( He is preparing for a trainee)
If you received the Pictures from Sisar Alhovuori then you will see our grand adventure out in sipoo. We had service all day long. We had not planned it that way, but it was what was needed. We got so much done, wonderful to see afterward.
Thank you Dad, for teaching us to work, and to work effectively. Elder Stanley would ask multiple times why I would be doing something a certain way. "Because if I do it now, we don't have to worry about it later."
We were also blessed yesterday, we had a Easter Fireside which only a handful of members came too, but out of that handful we were able to have 6 non-members come. One being Harri and Aija, two being Reino and his girlfriend, and the third was our dry member and his friend.
It was heart warming to see as our bishop pulled us away and he mentioned, Veljet, we have 6 non-members here!" He doesn't speakk english with us often, but he was so excited to see that we had Harri, Aija, and Reino all there.
The best part was see how Heavenly Father prepares even Friends.
Aija found out that see went to school with one of our members and they even had the same teacher so the were abel to talk nearly the entire time after the Fireside. Tender mercy and a Fleece.

You too sound a little trunky ;) It is a little crazy to think that I have passed my year mark now. Elder Stanley and I baked muffins to celebrate. We also made Spagetti with white sauce on Sunday. You would be proud Mama, I take care of my companions very well. We eat very well.
The Language has just sky rocketed since being with Elder STanley. he is more shy than I am so he doesn't talk much around anyone, so at the beginning I had to talk to everyone on my own which has really helped. He knows this language really well and understands better then me, but preffers that i speak and he just listens. We are still working on that. ;)
I look forward to the time that I can speak with Annakaisa and George too. I have moments during the day that I just crave speaking Finnish. Other times I want to pull my hair out because i don't understand, but I am beginning to pick up finnish words before I think of the english one. It will be wonderful to have someone to speak too when I come home. I have ment  some senior missionaries that have come back to Finland and have to relearn Finnish all over again, this is not my plan. I really want to do what PMG asks us to do. Master the Language. If not now in the field then in years to come. It is a beautiful language that just strums my heart you could say.
I hope Jon and Jeff and Beej are all keeping up their language. ( You can picture my eye upon you.)

I will leave you with our Easter message. John 20:10-16. Also read Jesus the Christ when you have time about this subject. It is really beautiful. Thank you again for everything. I love you all so much and I pray for you daily. Keep on trucking!

Vanhin Sandberg

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 8:08 AM, Debbie Sandberg <> wrote:
Dear Jeremy,                                                                                                                                            4-20-2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014 Dinner, Help, Book of Mormon

Dear wonderful Family,
We had a fun experience yesterday with one of our members. We had nothing planned for Sunday and by the End of Sacrament meeting we were well taken care of by another family asking, " Onko sinulla ruoka sopimus tänään?" (Do you have a dinner apt. today?) Nope, 
Right after church we were heading out to there house to have dinner with them. But the fun part came from what we talked about. We talked about the work here in Finland and the work here in Kerava. and then out of no where both the husband and wife mentioned something that I have never heard before,"Elders, I don't remember the last time I went out with the missionaries. Maybe they didn't want to take me along because I talk to much, but I would love to come out more with you."
and the wife said, "I want to find you more investigators."
We later talked about how as missionaries we are here to help train the memebers to be missionaries and that we can give them the tools to do these things.

This was the tie braker, on our way home our member mentioned that he has wanted to talk to his neighbor about the gospel for a while now. "Do you have a book of Mormon on you?" "Can I have it? I am going to give it to my friend today when she comes over for me to help her with her computer."

We are following up next week with him!
We are in miracle territory. Heavenly Father is moving his work forward. In Utah, Finland, Japan, Penn. and Africa. Every where. What a blessing it is to be in his service. I still feel as if I just got here, but I am coming up to my year mark here in one, two, three days! Time just flies past, We are running out of time to do this work. 

I am so blessed to have been born into the family that I have. Everything that I do everyday can be traced back to home. Thank you so much Mom and Dad, for all you do. I had a glimps of what is must be like for you. Mind you, we keep a clean apartment. I make my bed everyday, Mom, you would be proud. I am honored to carry the name of Jesus Christ on my heart and to hold the name of Sandberg. Thank you all for what you do. Keep up the great work. 
Love Always,

Vanhin Sandberg